This Super Red Mini is teeny, tiny. Check out those red leaves - they're half the size of the ones I got when I ordered it. The originals were bigger, some were even greenish. Now they're this deep red color from the sun, but they're super small and round. No Co2 needed, and it's stayed red even through all the cloudy, rainy Bay Area weather we've been having. Unlike other Ludwigias that need Co2 to turn red, this one's almost metallic red without any special care - just some Iron fertilizer.
It's really light and airy, so if you want a fuller look, I'd say order a few bunches. I'm not sure how tall it'll get, but it looks like it'll top out at around a foot. I've got another Ludwigia that's bigger in every way, but it's not nearly as bright red as this one. That one needs Co2 to stay red, and it's not as hardy as this one.
Both Ludwigias are great plants, but if you want that bright red color, Super Red Mini is the way to go.
does super red mini ludwigia live up to its name?
Re: does super red mini ludwigia live up to its name?
Yeah, they're pretty tiny, I'd say. The leaves on mine are like half the size they were when I first got 'em.
Re: does super red mini ludwigia live up to its name?
Yeah, they're really small, but the color's looking great.
Re: does super red mini ludwigia live up to its name?
Never seen anything like this plant online. Each leaf is roughly the size of my rainbowfish's eyeballs, maybe even smaller. I'm envisioning it growing into a 12-inch tall, dainty stem plant with an airy texture. Unless, that is, the stronger summer sun and a boost of fertilizer cause it to put on some size. So far, the ferts have only made it redder and taller. When I first got it, the leaves were bigger than they are now - still small, but larger than the tiny, bonsai-like leaves I'm seeing now.