betta with popeye

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betta with popeye

Post by rivertail »

I'm pretty sure my betta's got popeye, just wanted to get confirmation. I've noticed these white dots on both her eyes, but tonight I saw this weird white-ish growth under one of them. I just moved, and I'm thinking the water quality might be the culprit - it's definitely different from what I'm used to. She seems normal otherwise, just this weird eye thing.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by Snout »

I'm having trouble making out the issue from the photos you provided. Would it be possible to get some clearer shots of the affected area?

In the meantime, I'd recommend stepping up your water maintenance routine. Try doing some extra water changes, give the substrate a good cleaning, and make sure to rinse the filter media in a bucket of tank water to keep things running smoothly.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by rivertail »

I'm pretty sure it's pop eye, but I wanted to get some confirmation. The white dots on both eyes were the first thing I noticed, and then tonight I saw this weird growth underneath one of her eyes. I just moved and I'm thinking the water quality might be the culprit. Never dealt with this before, but besides the eye thing, she's acting totally normal.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by Snout »

Thanks for the input. I appreciate the confirmation that something's off, even if it's not textbook popeye. As Snout suggested, I'll keep the water pristine with extra changes, thorough substrate cleaning, and gentle filter media rinsing in a bucket of tank water. Additionally, I'll add aquarium salt – 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons of water – dissolving it in warm water before adding it to the tank. I'll also make sure to replace the salt during water changes. After a couple of weeks, I'll do small daily water changes for a week to gradually remove the salt, then revert to my regular weekly changes.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by rivertail »

Thanks for the advice. I figured pop eye was the most likely cause, but like I said, it doesn't quite look like the typical cases I've seen. I'll try to grab some aquarium salt tonight - I didn't bring it with me when I moved, since I hadn't used it in ages. She's still acting normally for now, but I'll keep an eye on her and update if anything changes with her eye or her overall behavior.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by velvet8 »

I'm not convinced that's popeye, it looks more like a small wound from bumping into something hard or sharp in the tank. What's your water parameters - pH, GH, KH, NH3, NO2, NO3 and temp? Also, what kind of water are you using for water changes?
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by ilikefish »

I'd recommend treating with Maracyn or Maracyn 2 to cover the bacterial aspect. Additionally, adding Epsom salt could help with the healing process and reduce swelling.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by rivertail »

velvet8 wrote: Sun Mar 23, 2025 3:46 am I'm not convinced that's popeye, it looks more like a small wound from bumping into something hard or sharp in the tank. What's your water parameters - pH, GH, KH, NH3, NO2, NO3 and temp? Also, what kind of water are you using for water changes?
I was thinking the same thing - it doesn't quite look like pop eye to me either. The scar being underneath rather than all around the eye seems different. I was considering the possibility that there's more going on, especially since I've noticed white dots in both eyes for a few days now. Looking back at old photos, it's definitely a new development. However, given how quickly this happened, I think a wound from a sharp object is a pretty plausible explanation. The white dots in the eyes could just be a sign of aging, I suppose. As for my water parameters, my pH is between 7.4-7.6, NO2 is 0, and NO3 is 5. I haven't used a water hardness testing kit yet. I'm using tap water that's been dechlorinated with Seachem Prime.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by velvet8 »

rivertail wrote: Sat Mar 22, 2025 11:18 pm I'm pretty sure my betta's got popeye, just wanted to get confirmation. I've noticed these white dots on both her eyes, but tonight I saw this weird white-ish growth under one of them. I just moved, and I'm thinking the water quality might be the culprit - it's definitely different from what I'm used to. She seems normal otherwise, just this weird eye thing.
To keep a Betta thriving, ideal pH is 6.5 to 7 max. Testing for water hardness and alkalinity is also crucial - both should be below 7. Your current setup seems unsuitable for your Betta.
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Re: betta with popeye

Post by ilikefish »

For bettas, I think 7.5 is usually the highest you want to go. I'm still leaning towards popeye, but I'm no expert. If you want to lower the pH, you could try adding some tannins to the water - it's a pretty natural way to do it. Alternatively, there are chemicals you can use, but I'd try the tannins first.
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