I recently got two Duncan rescue frags, one with three heads and one with a single head. The single-headed one's doing fine, eating and all that. However, the three-headed frag's tissue keeps receding and it won't take food. Its tentacles and body are pretty fat and bulbous compared to my other Duncans. When I got the frag, I dipped it in Lugol's solution, cleaned off some algae, and inspected it. The tissue was already receding a bit back then. My tank's running at 78 degrees, pH 8.15, Alk 3.5 meq/l, No3 0.5, Ca 435, Mg 1395, and Po4 0.
Looking for some ideas on where to go from here, or if anyone's had a similar issue with Duncans. Any clues would be appreciated, thanks.
Duncan Frags
finleydive - Posts: 36
- Joined: Wed May 18, 2022 11:49 am
Re: Duncan Frags
I'm no expert, but I've had some luck with my own Duncan - still a lot to learn, though. Have you thought about giving it another dip, maybe with Bayer Complete this time?
Re: Duncan Frags
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll definitely look into doing another dip, maybe with Bayer Complete, see if that helps turn things around for the 3 headed frag.
Re: Duncan Frags
A visual would be super helpful.
Re: Duncan Frags
My first foray into stony corals was with Duncans, back when I was still figuring out algae control. I've found them to be pretty sensitive to algae irritation. I had a few heads disappear, but after cleaning the exposed skeleton with peroxide, some of the polyps actually came back. Hopefully you'll have better luck with yours.
Re: Duncan Frags
Here's what I managed to capture - the 3rd head is now on its way out.
Re: Duncan Frags
I'm still a bit new to corals but having some luck with my Duncan, might be worth considering another dip, maybe try Bayer Complete this time around
Re: Duncan Frags
The coloration of the polyps looks good, that's a plus. I'm thinking maybe it's a light issue - too much or not enough. Tissue degradation can also be caused by something stinging it, that's my guess. What's the neighborhood like around the coral - anything growing that could be bothering it?
Re: Duncan Frags
It's getting around 125-150 par, and there's a Sinularia nearby, along with my other Duncans.
Re: Duncan Frags
Looking for a Bayer Complete dosage for dipping - what have you guys used in the past?