how many malawi cichlids should i keep
how many malawi cichlids should i keep
I've got a 350 litre tank, 4x2x2, and I'm using an All Pond Solutions 2000EF filter plus a 250 litre sponge filter powered by my air pump. I've already got a few fish but they're all small, only about 2 inches or so. The thing is, I'm planning on keeping fish that don't grow much bigger than 3 or 4 inches when they're fully grown. I was wondering, roughly how many could I keep in my tank if they were all fully grown?
Re: how many malawi cichlids should i keep
Can anyone help with a stocking plan for my tank?
Re: how many malawi cichlids should i keep
Take a deep breath, my friend. I'm no expert, but I'll offer my two cents. When it comes to Malawis, a slightly overpopulated tank can be beneficial. I'd say you could comfortably fit 35-40 fish of that size, but do keep in mind I'm not exactly a Malawi guru.
Re: how many malawi cichlids should i keep
So 35-40 at fully grown size, that's the idea then? Sounds good to me, I like the sound of having that many in the tank. I've got around 20 in there at the minute, so I'm looking forward to adding some more colours to the mix now.
Re: how many malawi cichlids should i keep
Agreed with keyholder, but like I said, not a Malawi expert myself.