Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
Just scored this thing for 10 bucks, it's labeled as some random torch, but I'm pretty sure that's not what it is. I'm thinking it's either a frogspawn or an octospawn, just not entirely sure which one.
Re: Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
I'd lean towards frogspawn too, seems like the more likely candidate.
sweetie_22 - Posts: 118
- Joined: Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:20 am
Re: Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
Frogspawn seems likely, +1 to that
lanky_bark - Posts: 10
- Joined: Thu Jul 21, 2022 5:45 pm
Re: Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
Agree with the others, looks like a frogspawn to me
Re: Identifying purple frogspawn or octospawn corals
Euphyllia divisa is a thick short branching polyp, definitely not an E. yaeyamaensis.