Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
My java fern has gone berserk - it's been with me for a while and I recently moved it next to the heater, which seems to have supercharged its growth. The roots are now flowing right against the heater and I've never seen a plant grow at this rate before.
Re: Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
I've got it attached to a piece of driftwood, just letting the roots flow over it.
Re: Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
I always attach mine to driftwood, just works better for me that way. I've found it's all about having it in a specific zone that's just right.
Re: Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
That's really impressive, a photo would be great to see. Larger Java ferns have a lot of character, I think they look fantastic.
Re: Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
Post a picture of that beast already
Re: Growing and caring for java fern in a freshwater aquarium
Java ferns seem to have a preference for specific types of driftwood, but it's interesting to see they also thrive with heat and flowing roots. I've got mine tied to driftwood at the moment, and I'm thinking of moving it now.