keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
I've got a 45 gallon corner tank that's been doing well with my kribensis pair, a gold gourami, 5 danios, some neons (those are actually getting moved to my 30 gallon soon), and a pleco. Been itching to add something new for a bit now, and I really love the look of those electric blue johanni's. Just not sure how they'll mesh with my current crew.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
I'd advise against adding the electric blue johanni to your tank, gunsmoke. Malawis like them have specific requirements that wouldn't mesh with your community setup.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
Thanks for the heads up, I really don't want to risk losing any of my fish. Now I'm back to square one, trying to figure out what would work well in my tank.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
Considering your community's dynamics, a sizable school of a peaceful species could work well. The gold gourami's temperament is worth researching, as some gouramis can be territorial. However, a dwarf species like the dwarf neon rainbowfish could be a great fit. They often go unnoticed in stores due to their initial dull appearance, but once settled, they can display vibrant colors. Take a look through the species profiles and see if anything catches your eye.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
Thanks for the suggestion, I really like the neon rainbow, but I'm also drawn to blue rams.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
I ended up going with 6 neon rainbows. Thanks for the suggestion, I probably wouldn't have considered them if you hadn't mentioned them - they're really growing on me.
Re: keeping electric blue fish in a community tank?
Caught wind of this thread and my gut reaction was "Yikes!" Thankfully all's well that ends well.