colour variations in cleaner wrasse

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colour variations in cleaner wrasse

Post by turtle9 »

I'm on the hunt for bluestreak cleaner wrasse with yellow-topped heads in the UK. I've seen loads of pics from Indonesia with this colouration, but so far, all I've found here are the standard blue/black/white ones.

I'd love to get my hands on some with the yellow cap - does anyone know of any suppliers or individuals who might have them? I've had no luck so far.

The ones I've seen in Indonesia look like this:

And the ones I've found in the UK look like this:

Any leads would be amazing, thanks!
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Re: colour variations in cleaner wrasse

Post by coltin »

You're looking for the yellow-headed bluestreak cleaner wrasse, I totally get it. There are indeed various colour morphs of cleaner wrasses found in different parts of the world, such as New Guinea, Australia and the Red Sea. To get your hands on the yellow-headed ones, you might want to try contacting a marine fish supplier and placing a special order for the specific colour form you're after. Keep in mind it may take some time, anywhere from a month to a year, depending on the supplier and their shipment schedule.
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