Torch coral behaving erratically

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Torch coral behaving erratically

Post by sunnya_1 »

Hey everyone, so I just moved my torch from my old 20g to the new 75g rimless. Tank was cycled beforehand, of course. Here are my current parameters:
Ph: 8.3
Sl: 1.025
Alk: 8.7
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0-5ppm
Phosphate: basically 0ppm (running GFO and carbon, test's unreadable)
Ca: 420
Mg: 1480 (a bit high)
Now, my old 20g always had nitrates around 10-15ppm and phosphate: 5ppm. I'm thinking maybe my torch was used to those higher nutrient levels in the 20g, and that's why it's not fully extended in my 75g. Lighting's the same - Kessil A360w, worked fine on my 20g. I've tried changing flow, waiting a week, moving it to different spots, but it just doesn't seem as happy as it was. Check my profile pic to see how it used to look - I'll post a current pic when I get home.
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