Considering investing in bacter ae company
bettaMagenta - Posts: 418
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:01 am
Considering investing in bacter ae company
I've been adding it to my tanks about once a week - doesn't matter if it's the shrimp or the sucker mouthed fish, the reaction's the same. Every fish, from the smallest to the 8-10 inch Tin Foil barbs, goes wild when I pour in a bit from the shaker bottle. Initially, I figured it'd be great for my bio film eaters, but now I'm convinced it's beneficial for all fish.
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
You're referring to the stuff in the shaker bottle I mentioned earlier, right?
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
Glasgarten Bacter AE's a water additive that boosts the bio filtration, microflora, and microfauna in shrimp tanks. Adds key microorganisms, amino acids, and enzymes to the water.
bettaMagenta - Posts: 418
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:01 am
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
I've gone through multiple jars of this stuff since I started using it. I mix it in a dedicated shaker bottle and all the fish go wild when I pour some in. So far, no fish have turned into aquatic monsters, which is a plus. You can literally see them sucking it out of the water and it settles on surfaces, and everyone seems to love it with no bad effects yet. I initially started using it for my shrimp and biofilm eaters, but now all my fish are hooked.
bettaMagenta - Posts: 418
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:01 am
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
I was thinking it'd be great for my Hillstream's bio film, then I started adding it to tanks with Oto's or Pleco's too... lately, I've noticed some of my fish have more vibrant colors, and I know my water and environment are solid, the fish are maturing, which could be why, but those conditions have been the same for a while... since I added it to my South American Tetra tank for my Gold Nugget Pleco and Zebra Oto, I've seen my Electric Blue Rams and Brilliant Rummy Nose Tetras looking more brilliant... everyone seems exceptionally healthy and happy.
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
I've had great success with Bacter AE and their other supplements - Shrimp Baby and Mineral Junkie have been a game-changer. The results are truly impressive. My Nerites, for instance, have regrown their shells and even fixed all the gaps and scratches - it's amazing to see them thriving like this. I've recently ordered some Shrimp Fit and Dinner Pads, and I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of their Lollies. I genuinely believe they produce the best invertebrate care products I've ever come across.
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
I've been adding Bacter AE to my tanks a couple of times a week - my shrimp-only tank and two other tanks with shrimp. It's a hit with my shrimp, and even the fry go crazy for it.
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
I'm curious about the effectiveness of the Glasgarten Bacter AE. Has anyone set up a controlled experiment to test its benefits? For instance, taking two identical tanks with the same shrimp population, performing simultaneous water changes and filter maintenance, but only adding the Bacter AE to one of them. Then, monitor the results over an extended period, say 12-24 months, to see if there's a noticeable difference in the health and well-being of the shrimp.
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
Honestly, I'm convinced it would've been a disaster without it. I mean, baby survival rate went through the roof - easily ten times better. Magnum's experience with larger fish eating it too, that's what really caught my attention. I figure there's gotta be something in it that's worth their while. I mean, larger fish taking the time to filter out these tiny particles? That's impressive. They're smaller than baby brine shrimp, after all. And from what I've heard, Aquatic Art uses it in all their breeding tanks.
bettaMagenta - Posts: 418
- Joined: Fri Jan 07, 2022 2:01 am
Re: Considering investing in bacter ae company
My nearly full-grown Pink Kisser Gourami darts right into the cloud as it forms, and you can literally see it inhaling and filtering the stuff through its gills.