Help for a very sick betta

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Help for a very sick betta

Post by carina »

Hi everyone, I need some advice on a little rescue mission my mom and I took on at PETCO on Sunday. Their betta section was really heartbreaking - half-dead baby bettas, a dead fish, and a few others that weren't doing great. We saw one that was just laying on its side, and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have dropsy, but I think it might have swim bladder disease. It's a bit bloated, but that could just be an optical illusion from how it's floating.

When we got it home, it would swim a bit when the water was disturbed, but that's about it. We fed it a pea last night, and it was a super enthusiastic eater - even fought to get the sinking pieces off the bottom, which was pretty impressive considering it can't swim all the way down. My mom's taking care of it now, and I'm guiding her from afar - she's a newbie, but she loves animals and really wants to help it recover.

I was thinking of trying an Epsom salt bath if the pea doesn't work, but I wanted to get some advice from you guys first. Has anyone else dealt with something like this? Any tips would be great - we're really hoping to help this little guy make it.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by fin_tank »

Good on you for rescuing the little fella, though I do wonder if it's a bit of an uphill battle. To offer more specific advice, I'd love to see a photo of him, but from what you've described, it sounds like you're on the right track. How's his current setup - tank size, water changes, heater, filter, and temp? Continuing with the peas is a good call if you suspect constipation, and upping the water temp might also help by speeding up his metabolism, but that depends on his current temp. I've brought home bettas from shops in terrible condition before, and just by giving them a warm, clean environment, I've seen them transform from lying on the bottom to swimming around in no time.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by carina »

We've set him up in a one-gallon bowl - I know, not ideal, but we already had it and mom didn't want to invest in a whole new setup right off the bat. The bowl's got gravel and a live plant, and we've been doing daily water changes to keep things clean. I was a bit worried about the temperature, but since my betta's tank stays around 80 degrees without a heater, I figured the kitchen would be warm enough - we've got him under a light fixture, but not so close it'd burn him. No thermometer, but the water quality's definitely good. Mom's been changing all his water every day with a turkey baster, so as not to scare him. If he pulls through, we'll definitely be upgrading his setup. For now, though, he's pretty much the same - he refused more pea today, and there's no visible excrement. He last ate some Sunday night. Not sure what to try next - maybe the epsom salt bath if the pea doesn't work out?
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by fin_tank »

I appreciate your efforts to care for this betta, and I'm not trying to criticize, but I do think it's essential to consider upgrading his environment. A one-gallon bowl is quite small, and ideally, a betta should be in a tank with at least 5 gallons of space. This would provide him with more stable water conditions and a better quality of life. I understand that you're using a light fixture to warm the area, but this can cause temperature fluctuations, which aren't ideal for a betta. I'm guessing the light is turned off at night, which is good, as bettas don't like bright lighting. A heater and thermometer would be a big help in maintaining a consistent temperature. While a filter isn't crucial if your mom can keep up with daily water changes, it's still a challenge to maintain good water quality in a small bowl like this. I know you didn't expect him to survive initially, but if you want to give him the best chance of recovery, it's worth investing in a better setup.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by Sageborn »

I'd say that's a bit of a minimum, to be honest. The reality is that most bettas in captivity are kept in containers much smaller than 5 gallons. I'm not saying that's ideal, but it's just the way it is. What I do think is beneficial, though, is having something a bit larger than your average bowl - not because it's a hard and fast rule, but because it makes proper care a whole lot easier.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by voltara »

So glad to hear you're trying to help this little guy out - I'm a bit late to the party, but I had to chime in. Laying on his side doesn't necessarily mean swim bladder, you know. I'd recommend checking out this site for some helpful info on betta diseases: It's worth a look, might give you some insight into what's going on with your new friend. And honestly, I'd say take your business elsewhere - Petco doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to animal care. Good luck with your fish, hope everything works out!
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by finwizard »

It's not the entire Petco brand that's the problem, it's the owner of that specific store. I personally love Petco and my local Petco is way better than the Petco store you visited, not to mention my local Petsmart which is actually the one that's really cruel to the Betta fish. Don't generalize and single out the Petco brand as being heartless, it's that one store that's the issue. If you want to make a difference, talk to the store owner or manager, but please don't bash the entire Petco brand.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by voltara »

If you want to see the truth about Petco and Petsmart, check out PETA's website and some of the YouTube videos out there. You'll see what's really going on.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by embera »

voltara wrote: Wed Mar 05, 2025 8:24 pm So glad to hear you're trying to help this little guy out - I'm a bit late to the party, but I had to chime in. Laying on his side doesn't necessarily mean swim bladder, you know. I'd recommend checking out this site for some helpful info on betta diseases: It's worth a look, might give you some insight into what's going on with your new friend. And honestly, I'd say take your business elsewhere - Petco doesn't exactly have the best track record when it comes to animal care. Good luck with your fish, hope everything works out!
I'm not here to offend, but I gotta say, bashing mass pet stores like Petco and PetSmart isn't the answer. It just makes you sound biased and misinformed. Let me give you an example - when you grab a coffee or a drink at a fast food joint, do you ever think about the plastic straw that comes with it? Those little straws are responsible for more injuries and deaths than all the Petcos and PetSmarts put together. I'm not condoning animal mistreatment, but let's be real, accountability lies with the person pointing fingers, not the ones trying to make a difference.

I run a non-profit rescue and I gotta say, big chain pet stores like Petco have been a lifesaver for us. They've helped us feed and care for countless animals in need. If you're so passionate about making a change, why not put your money where your mouth is? Give up a day's pay and donate it to a good cause. Then, and only then, can you claim to have earned the right to speak out against others.

I've seen the proposals, I've seen the propaganda, but I've yet to see anyone come up with a better solution. PETA, for example, is always begging for donations, but what are they really doing to help? It's all about perspective, folks. Instead of pointing fingers and spreading hate, why not try to make a positive impact? I'll respect your opinion when you can show me that you're willing to put in the work and make a real difference.

And to all the Petco and PetSmart haters out there, I say, let's not forget the good that these stores do. They're not perfect, but they're trying. And at the end of the day, that's what matters. So, let's focus on finding solutions, not spreading hate and misinformation.
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Re: Help for a very sick betta

Post by SeaBidder »

I'm glad you're trying to help a betta in need. Just because your betta is laying on his side doesn't necessarily mean he has swim bladder. Check out this site to identify the symptoms:

As for Petco, I'd suggest taking your business elsewhere. The more you buy from them, the more you indirectly harm bettas and other animals under their care.
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