Nyerere cichlid holding tanks
Nyerere cichlid holding tanks
I've had cichlids for about a year now, and I think I might be seeing my first spawning signs. My female Nyereri Cichlid seems to be holding - her mouth area has expanded, and she's changed from zooming around the tank to just cruising by the filter. The male's at the other end of the tank, and I'm guessing he's the one who's dug up all the sand - there's a pretty big hole now. I've never bred cichlids before, so I'm a complete newbie at this part of the hobby. I'm pretty sure she's holding, but I thought I'd get some opinions - is this what it looks like when they're holding?
Re: Nyerere cichlid holding tanks
Yeah, I think that's probably it. I've no experience with breeding Africans myself, so can't offer much in the way of advice, but the symptoms you've described do sound like a holding female.
Re: Nyerere cichlid holding tanks
Sounds like she may be holding. Given the change in behavior and the enlarged mouth area, it's a good possibility. Hanging around the filter could be a sign she's trying to avoid the male, possibly due to bullying.
Re: Nyerere cichlid holding tanks
Thanks for the feedback, it's appreciated. I've had a good look and can confirm she's holding, there's a pouch full of creamy coloured eggs. She seems to favour the filter area, it's probably safe for her, but she's also been swimming around the tank. It's been two days now since I first suspected she was holding, and she still hasn't eaten in that time.