starting a marine tank with clownfish

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starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by LuminAxe »

Hi everyone,

I've been thinking of making the switch from our 40-gallon tropical tank to a marine setup, and I'm really drawn to the idea of having clown fish. I've been doing some research, but I'm finding it all a bit confusing - there's a lot of conflicting information out there.

I've had our tropical tank for about 2 years now, so I'm not a complete newbie, but I know marine tanks are a different story. I've started reading up on the basics, but I'd love to hear from people with more experience.

If we do decide to go for a marine tank, how many clown fish would be a good number for a 40-gallon tank? And what kind of tank mates would they get along with? We're also considering a reef setup, so that's another thing to think about.

I hope this is the right place to ask - I figured it was a good place to start since I know I want to keep clown fish!
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Re: starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by tetraTim »

40gallon would be a great size

I went through the same thoughts in feb/march, and now I'm really enjoying my reef tank with 2 clownfish - it's been a great experience.

Setting up a marine tank can be quite expensive, but trust me, it's worth it. If you're going to keep marine fish, I'd definitely recommend getting coflakes - they look amazing.

You'll need to make sure your lighting is good enough for the coflakes, and live rock will act as a natural filter. You'll also need RO salt water to fill up the tank, and a powerhead or two for good flow. Don't forget to get some test kits and coflake sand - it's all part of the process.

Once you've spent the initial money, just let the tank set up slowly - unlike me, I was a bit impatient. But if you do it right, you can have clownfish and other fish in a tank that size.

I'd definitely recommend reading the journals and asking loads of questions. If you look at my previous questions, you'll see that I received some really helpful answers that educated me as a marine newbie.
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Re: starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by nixora »

Clownfish are alright as a starting point, but to be honest there are easier ones to care for, I mean most people want a pair of clowns don't they. If I'm being honest I'd say Skunks or Wild Percs are probably better for beginners, they're pretty hardy and can handle the usual teething issues that come with a new setup.
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Re: starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by rileyon »

once they're in and settled, clownfish are rock solid as long as you get the conditions right, they're a bit mental though
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Re: starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by nixora »

Yip, once they're settled, they're good, just had some issues with the TMC tank breds recently. The Black & Whites seem solid at the moment too. Had an offer on a pair of platinums but they didn't really pass my test.
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Re: starting a marine tank with clownfish

Post by LuminAxe »

Thanks for the advice, really helpful. I'll definitely be reading up on those journals too.

We're in the process of selling off the current tank inhabitants, and once that's done we'll start getting the essentials - coflake sand, RO water, a protein skimmer, and then the live rock. We've been quoted £100 for the live rock, does that sound about right for a 40-gallon tank?

I'm also considering getting common clownfish eventually, are they just as hardy? And I have to say, the pink skunk clowns really catch my eye too...

We're excited to start this new venture, but we're not rushing into it - it's going to be a gradual process, spread out over a few paydays to minimize the financial strain.
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