Keeping a blenny with algae
Keeping a blenny with algae
Hi, I'm considering an algae blenny for my tank and I'd love some info. What kind of conditions do they require? What's the best food for them? Any other tips would be great, thanks. Cheers
Re: Keeping a blenny with algae
Algae blennies are pretty resilient fish, but they do have one major requirement - a constant supply of algae. If your tank can't provide that, you'll likely see the blenny struggle to survive. Adding veggie wafers can be a good supplement, but that's assuming your other tank inhabitants won't get to them first. For instance, if you have any Tangs, they'll probably beat the blenny to the wafers.
Re: Keeping a blenny with algae
I've found that feeding them can be a challenge, they're quite particular and often only eat algae, so you'll need a good supply of it in the tank or a suitable alternative.
Re: Keeping a blenny with algae
They can be real chompers once they settle in, aren't picky at all. If you're thinking of getting one, make sure to see it eating at the shop - and avoid the skinny ones, trust me.