My duncan coral colonies
My duncan coral colonies
Here's a few pics of my colonies. Not the best, but I thought I'd share.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
Macro shot of the second colony, LEDs were a bit higher in this one
Re: My duncan coral colonies
Looks nice. I recently picked up a Duncan and it's being stubborn about opening up. Too much light possibly, even at the bottom. I'm gonna try feeding it tomorrow, see if that does the trick. It did open up a bit, but just barely. If anything gets too close, it pretty much closes right back up.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
I'm curious about your setup - what are your alk, cal, and mag levels like? Are your nitrates in check? What type of lights are you using, and how high is the light fixture above the bottom of your tank? Also, do you have any fish that might be nipping at it - angels, butterflies, or rabbitfish, for example? It's been almost a week and it's still not opening up, something's gotta be off.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
Love the pics of your colonies, vortex9. Just got a neon green duncan myself, really excited about it.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
Appreciate the share, looks like your tank's doing well.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
My tank's parameters are in check - 1.026 salinity, zero nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and ammonia. Alkalinity's at 8.4, calcium's 425, and magnesium's 1580. I'm running Radion G3's at about 50% and they're 24" from the coral. Right now, it's just a pair of Clownfish, some crabs, and snails in the tank. My hammer coral's doing well and the torch is thriving too. Both the torch and the Duncan were picked up from flintix9t at the frag swap on Saturday, and the Duncan looked great at the swap.
Re: My duncan coral colonies
I think it's either the flow is too strong or something's stressing it out. I had a similar issue with one of my large duncan colonies - it was closed for days and I was stumped. Then I spotted an emerald crab chillin' amongst the branches like it owned the place. And if my tang tries to graze on algae near my duncans, they'll stay closed for hours.luremate wrote: ↑Mon Dec 23, 2024 7:23 pm Looks nice. I recently picked up a Duncan and it's being stubborn about opening up. Too much light possibly, even at the bottom. I'm gonna try feeding it tomorrow, see if that does the trick. It did open up a bit, but just barely. If anything gets too close, it pretty much closes right back up.