Are angel fish laying eggs, but both are females?
Are angel fish laying eggs, but both are females?
I've got a pair of angelfish, my son picked them out and we've got no intention of breeding them. They're different sizes, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're not the same age since we got them at the same time. The yellow one's larger and pretty laid-back, while the black striped one gets aggressive every now and then. Last week, we found eggs on the glass and let them guard them for a few days until they were gone - mostly eaten by the two angel fish. Then, just 2 days later, we had a whole new set of eggs in the same spot. I was getting a bit tired of them keeping everyone away, so I removed the eggs and things went back to normal. Now I'm wondering, are they both female and just happened to lay eggs a few days apart, or can one female lay eggs twice in just 5 days?
Re: Are angel fish laying eggs, but both are females?
I'd suggest checking the ovipositor to determine the sex of your angelfish. Typically, females have a shorter, wider ovipositor, while males have a longer, thinner one.
Re: Are angel fish laying eggs, but both are females?
It's highly improbable that the same fish laid eggs twice in such a short span.
Females often spawn together, with one not quite ready but still influenced by the hormonal surge, prompting her to join in. Then, a few days later, she's ready to spawn herself, possibly.
Females often spawn together, with one not quite ready but still influenced by the hormonal surge, prompting her to join in. Then, a few days later, she's ready to spawn herself, possibly.