Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

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Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by silence »

I just started a new job that's fully remote, but I'll have to travel out of state every month or so. I'm trying to figure out the best way to take care of my tank while I'm away. Right now, I do water changes every other day, and I'm thinking of bumping that up to daily the week before I leave. I've also got my brother-in-law lined up to check in on the tank, but he's 45 minutes away, so I'm not sure that's the most reliable option.

I've been going through the steps of feeding and water changing, and I'm a bit worried that it's a lot to ask of someone who's only been trained a few times. So, I'm looking for some advice from people who've been in similar situations.

My plan so far is to up my water change game to daily the week before I leave, feed the fish a bit more than usual, clean all the filters, and add some purigen and chemipure for good measure. I've got a 90g tank with 9 adult discus, and I'm a bit paranoid about leaving them behind.

I'll usually be gone for a week, which I think should be fine, but I've got some trips that'll be 10 days long. Can I get away with the same approach for those longer trips? I'm mostly worried about the fish not eating and the lack of fresh water.

I'm probably overthinking it, but I'd love to hear from people with more experience. Thanks in advance for any help. If worst comes to worst, I'll probably look into rehoming the fish.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by UTESO »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

I think having a solid plan in place is key, especially with those longer trips. In my experience, I've found that fish can easily make it through 10 days without issue, provided they're in a well-maintained tank. I'd argue that clean water is far more crucial than regular feeding - overfeeding can actually do more harm than good by fouling the water.

When training your brother-in-law, I'd start by showing him the ropes on water changes - it's essential to get that right. By doing so, you'll be giving your fish the best chance to thrive while you're away.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by FishNe »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

I'd love to get a clearer picture - what's the tank size, and how many discus are we talking about here? Are there other fish in the mix? Is the tank planted or bare bottom?
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by silence »

I appreciate the input, UTESO. I did have a plan in place, but the more I think about it, the more I worry that something could go wrong. I like the idea of having someone check in, but it's tough with my brother-in-law being 45 minutes away. That's a big responsibility to put on him, and I just don't want to take any chances.

FishNe, to answer your questions, I've got a 90-gallon tank with 8 adult discus, 10 small cory cats, and it's lightly planted with sand substrate. The three larger filters I've got set up do a great job of keeping the substrate clean, so that's not a concern for me.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by wilde »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

Looking back on a decade of frequent travel, I've learned some valuable lessons about maintaining my discus tank. As someone who's spent a significant amount of time on the road, I've had to adapt and find ways to keep my fish thriving.

Firstly, it's essential to understand that discus don't require frequent feeding. In fact, my tank-raised discus eat far more in a short span than their wild counterparts do in a week. We often overfeed to promote growth, but it's not necessary for their overall health.

I've found that having no one feed the fish is actually safer than relying on someone else to do it. My experience with outside feeding has been mostly negative, with the exception of a fellow discus enthusiast who's familiar with the community. In most cases, I've lost adult discus due to incorrect feeding.

If you don't feed the fish, water quality remains stable without the need for frequent water changes. My tanks, which are equipped with sponge filters, stay remarkably clean as long as I'm not feeding.

Automatic feeders can be a viable option, but it's crucial to test them for at least a week before leaving. Don't set up an automatic feeder right before departing, as this can lead to issues.

It's worth noting that these strategies work best with larger discus. If you're dealing with young fish, intermittent feeding and water changes can be detrimental to their health.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by abbeytone »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

No issue with feeding, either. I've also got a temp and pH monitor right in front of the tank, and a nest camera set up so I can keep an eye on things remotely. That way, I can make sure everything's running smoothly, and I get to check in on the guys, too.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by silence »

I really appreciate all the tips, wilde. And I've gotta say, #2 just convinced me that I rather not have someone assist - it's just too much risk. I'm thinking of setting up a web camera so I can keep an eye on things and make sure the power hasn't shut off or anything crazy has happened. But I think I'll just not feed them and let them be - seems like the safest option.

And abbeytone, that's a great idea about having a temp and pH monitor in front of the tank. I'll definitely look into that. And yea, a small camera will give me some extra peace of mind, so thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by silence »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

I wanted to follow up on my previous post. I recently had the chance to test my plan over the Memorial Day week. I was away for 9 days and just returned a few days ago. The results were mostly positive - the water quality was excellent when I got back. Nitrates were in check, there was no foul smell, and the filters had barely accumulated any dirt. The purigen was still relatively white, which is a good sign. The over-filtration also kept the substrate clean.

However, there were a few issues. I received a text notification that the power had gone out, which is not uncommon in my area during the summer months. Thankfully, it came back on, but I almost forgot about the issue. More concerning was that the discus had eaten half of my Juli cory cats. These fish had been hardy and the discus had never bothered them before. There was no sign of the cory cats left. The discus also ate half of my Amano shrimp. I had 30 shrimp in the tank with the discus since October with no issues, and I had built shrimp coves to keep the discus out. However, the lack of food seemed to change the discus' behavior.

The discus were also skittish for the first two days I was back, and the two tank kings were more aggressive than usual. However, they have since settled down. Given that I'll be traveling monthly, I'm thinking of moving the cory cats and shrimp to my second tank before I leave. I might replace them with rams or a schooling fish. I'm a big fan of the Julis in this tank, so it's a shame to have to move them. I'll also set up a web camera as some of you suggested. Regarding the power issue, I'm not sure what to do without a generator. Maybe the only option is to have someone on standby in case I notice the power go out in real time. Thanks again for all the help and suggestions.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by silence »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

Just got back from another trip, similar timeframe. Prep was the same, no issues, and the tank was really clean. All fish were fine, but I'm starting to feel uneasy about the whole situation. It feels unfair to the fish - what if one gets hurt while I'm away or a sickness breaks out that I can't address? The constant worry is taking a toll on me while I'm traveling. I'm gonna keep trying for a bit, but by the end of the year, I might have to consider rehoming them. It's frustrating, but I don't want to risk anything happening to them. Thanks again for the tips, everyone.
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Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input? :)

Post by wilde »

Re: Will be traveling monthly for work, could use some input?

Originally posted by silence

...Without a generator, any ideas on how to deal with the power?

I recall a time when our area experienced severe winds, knocking out power for five days. My tanks were left without air, heat, or filtration, and generators were nowhere to be found. Despite the initial worry, I was relieved to find no losses. The key, I believe, lies in the fact that my tanks were under-stocked, with only one discus per 10 gallons of water. This experience taught me that aquarium fish can be quite resilient when left alone, and it's often our interference that causes issues.
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