help, my betta is dying

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help, my betta is dying

Post by sandyl »

I desperately need help, fast. My betta, Baloo, who I rescued 3 months ago from a Walmart shelf with minor fin rot, is in trouble. After daily water changes and increased aquarium salt, his fin rot got better, then worse, and finally started growing back about 2 weeks ago. I know some people might say daily water changes are bad, but for Baloo, if I went longer than a day, the fin rot would worsen.

About a week ago, I noticed 2 tiny pin holes on his bottom fin. I thought the rot was back, but it was originally only on his tail fin. The translucent area spread, and every day this week it's gotten larger. It's eaten away almost all of his dorsal fin and the bottom fin is almost all clear. I've attached some pics.

I started pimafix 2 days ago and melafix (I know it's stronger than bettafix) - I was using bettafix, but Pets Mart recommended melafix since it's so severe. I only did melafix last night. Today, he won't swim anymore; he's just floating near the top in one spot, only moving to get food. I've worked tirelessly to save him, and I'm devastated knowing he'll probably die in a day or two if I don't figure this out.

I've searched everywhere, but I couldn't find any pics of what's happening, so I'm not sure if it's fungus or bacteria. What should I do? I also think there's a parasite by his eye - it was there last week, then gone, so I thought it was lint, but now it's back in the same spot, so I think it's related to the disease.

He's in a 1-gallon tank (I know it's small, but it's easier for daily changes and medicating) with a heater and filter turned off for now. I use bottled water, so the parameters are constant. I still check, though - it's always the same. I've done everything I've read for fin rot, but I just don't know what this is now. Please help.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by goldminer »

I'm going to try and help you out, but I'm warning you, I'm about to give it to you straight. I've been around the block a few times with betta care, and I've got some concerns.

First off, 1 gallon is way too small for a betta. I know it's easier for daily changes and medicating, but trust me, it's not worth the risk.

And let's talk about those meds you're using - Melafix and Bettafix. I've got some bad news for you, they're not the best for labyrinth breathers like your betta. In fact, they can do more harm than good. I've written about this before, so I'll just give you the short version - Melafix Alert, read it and weep.

Now, about that bottled water you're using. What brand is it? Most bottled water is not suitable for aquariums, so I'm curious to know what you're using. And what's wrong with tap water, anyway? Is it not an option for you?

Okay, so here's what I need from you - I need some answers, and I need them in detail. I want to know:

- Is your tank cycled, and how did you cycle it?
- Does your tank have a filter, and if so, what kind?
- Does it have a heater, and what's the temp set to?
- How much water do you change, and how often do you do it?
- What water conditioner do you use?
- What else is in the tank apart from your betta - fake plants, live plants, etc.?
- Have you added anything else to the tank recently, apart from your betta?
- What do you feed him, and how much and how often?
- What's the pH of the water, and do you have a test kit?
- Do you know the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels, and can you post them?

Give me these answers, and we might just be able to figure out what's going on with your poor betta.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by novafx »

goldminer's right, I need to answer those questions to get the best help for Baloo. Reducing stress is key for his recovery, so I'll do my best to provide all the info.

First, I cycled the tank with just water changes and no fish for a week or so, I didn't do a full cycle with media and all that, I know it's not ideal. I have a filter but it's off right now because of all the meds I'm using. The heater is set to around 82 degrees, I think that's a good temp for betta fish. I change about 25-50% of the water daily, I know it's a lot but like I said before, if I don't, the fin rot gets worse. I use a water conditioner but I'm not sure what brand, I'll check.

The tank has some fake plants and a treasure chest decoration, nothing else. I haven't added anything new recently except for the meds. I feed Baloo betta pellets, about 2-3 times a day, as much as he can eat in a minute or two. I don't have a test kit, I just use the water conditioner and bottled water, I thought that was enough. I don't know the PH or Ammonia Nitrite and Nitrate levels, I'll try to get a test kit ASAP.

As for the bottled water, I use Fiji water, I thought it was a good brand. I don't use tap water because I've heard it's not good for aquariums, but maybe I'm wrong.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by almond »

I've seen similar symptoms before in my own betta, and unfortunately, it didn't end well. He was in a 20-gallon tank, but the progression was rapid - he passed away within an hour. I hope you have better luck with Baloo. Please answer goldminer's questions, they're crucial in helping you identify the issue. Also, I have to agree with goldminer, a 1-gallon tank is way too small for a betta. A minimum of 5 gallons is recommended.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by sandyl »

I'll do my best to answer your questions.

First off, I don't usually use bettafix or melafix - only when Plumb had fin rot, and even then, just a few drops. I was desperate and saw that melafix might help with fungus, so I tried it. I've tried salt and emycin before, but not for fungus.

I used to use tap water, but when Baloo got fin rot, I was shocked to find high levels of nitrates and ammonia in it. I switched to Crystal Geyser bottled water after researching its pH levels - it stays at 6.8. I check most every bottle with a test kit.

I know a 1-gallon tank is small, but I think it's the best option for daily water changes and medicating. I've had them in 3-gallon tanks before, but it's just too hard to do daily changes with store-bought water. Plumb's been healthy for 4 weeks, so I might move her back to a larger tank soon. But I'll keep Baloo in the 1-gallon tank until he's healthy or... well, you know.

The tank's heated to 75 degrees with a 10-watt non-adjustable heater. No filter, because I'm medicating and doing daily water changes. I've read that filter flow can be bad for fragile fins, so I've been doing everything by hand to keep the tank clean. I did have a filter until a few weeks ago, but I've been spending an hour every day cleaning the tank by hand.

I haven't added anything new to the tank - in fact, I've removed everything except the betta leaf, silk plant, and thermometer. I clean each one daily with hot water. I feed them a rotating diet - fluffnut on Mondays, pellets on Tuesdays, flakes on Wednesdays, daphnia or bloodworms on Thursdays, and so on. I'm very careful with their feeding, especially since Plumb's had constipation problems.

I'm checking the water as I type, and the pH is 7.6, ammonia is 0ppm, nitrites are 0ppm, and nitrates are 0ppm. I've attached a pic of the test tubes.

I've used a few different water conditioners - betta safe for 6 months on Plumb, and API stress coat on Baloo. I also have quick start and safe start plus, but I haven't been using them lately since I've been doing more frequent water changes.

I appreciate your questions, but I don't think those are my immediate problems. This thing eating away at Baloo's fins is my main concern. Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas what it is or how to treat it? I've changed nothing in the last 2 weeks, and I've tried pimafix and melafix. I know melafix can cause renal failure, and I don't want to make things worse.

I did a 50% water change last night without removing Baloo, so I wouldn't stress him out. Maybe I stress him too much, but this is how I've been doing things for 2 months, and this new fin problem just started a week ago.

Thank you for your suggestions - I'll take advice on tanks, filters, and all that. But for now, I need immediate help. If Baloo survives this, I'll move him back to his large tank. The salt isn't helping with this disease, and I don't think the filter will make a difference right now. If I can figure out what's causing this, I can adjust the temperature or try a new medication. I hope you can see that I'm not just a new fish owner - I've done my research, and I just need some personal help here.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by sandyl »

sandyl wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 5:58 am I desperately need help, fast. My betta, Baloo, who I rescued 3 months ago from a Walmart shelf with minor fin rot, is in trouble. After daily water changes and increased aquarium salt, his fin rot got better, then worse, and finally started growing back about 2 weeks ago. I know some people might say daily water changes are bad, but for Baloo, if I went longer than a day, the fin rot would worsen.

About a week ago, I noticed 2 tiny pin holes on his bottom fin. I thought the rot was back, but it was originally only on his tail fin. The translucent area spread, and every day this week it's gotten larger. It's eaten away almost all of his dorsal fin and the bottom fin is almost all clear. I've attached some pics.

I started pimafix 2 days ago and melafix (I know it's stronger than bettafix) - I was using bettafix, but Pets Mart recommended melafix since it's so severe. I only did melafix last night. Today, he won't swim anymore; he's just floating near the top in one spot, only moving to get food. I've worked tirelessly to save him, and I'm devastated knowing he'll probably die in a day or two if I don't figure this out.

I've searched everywhere, but I couldn't find any pics of what's happening, so I'm not sure if it's fungus or bacteria. What should I do? I also think there's a parasite by his eye - it was there last week, then gone, so I thought it was lint, but now it's back in the same spot, so I think it's related to the disease.

He's in a 1-gallon tank (I know it's small, but it's easier for daily changes and medicating) with a heater and filter turned off for now. I use bottled water, so the parameters are constant. I still check, though - it's always the same. I've done everything I've read for fin rot, but I just don't know what this is now. Please help.
Hi goldminer,

I just wanted to thank you for taking the time to respond. I know I'm not doing everything perfectly, and I appreciate your honesty. I'm just really upset and desperate to save Baloo - I know the tank size is far from ideal, and I'm aware that Melafix isn't the best choice. But I'm using it as a hospital tank, and I'm trying everything I can think of to help him recover.

I did respond to your questions as best I could, and I hope that helps. I'm still trying to figure out what's going on with Baloo's fins - it's not just fin rot this time, it's like something is eating away at them. I'm considering trying Seachem Paraguard, but I'm not sure if it's the right choice.

I've been keeping the tank in the dark for a couple of weeks to help with the fin rot, using only a natuflake light and not the tank light. Could that have contributed to this new disease? I'm just grasping at straws at this point, and I'm open to any suggestions.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by trollmaster »

I'm happy to do a test on the tap water again, I'll get the readings for you. I'll make sure to check the nitrates and ammonia levels, I remember last time it was dark purple and I freaked out, but I've been using Crystal Geyser since then.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by sandyl »

trollmaster wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:29 pm I'm happy to do a test on the tap water again, I'll get the readings for you. I'll make sure to check the nitrates and ammonia levels, I remember last time it was dark purple and I freaked out, but I've been using Crystal Geyser since then.
I'm not using tap water anymore, haven't in over 3 weeks. I switched to Crystal Geyser after finding out our tap water had high levels of nitrates and ammonia. I've been checking the bottled water with a test kit and it's been staying at a constant pH of 6.8.
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by trollmaster »

Maybe you can try again and it might solve the problem
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Re: help, my betta is dying

Post by sandyl »

trollmaster wrote: Wed Aug 14, 2024 3:29 pm I'm happy to do a test on the tap water again, I'll get the readings for you. I'll make sure to check the nitrates and ammonia levels, I remember last time it was dark purple and I freaked out, but I've been using Crystal Geyser since then.
I just tested the tap water again. pH is 8.0, just like it's always been. Ammonia is 0.5 ppm, nitrates and nitrites are 0 ppm. Now I'm seeing cloudy stuff sloughing off Baloo, maybe his fins are just breaking down. It's like a stringy, clear/white stuff. I've added erythromycin to the water for now. I'll head to the store soon to get something else if anyone can help me figure out what's going on.
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