Oscar cichlid eye bubble issue

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Oscar cichlid eye bubble issue

Post by ladjack »

I've had this issue with my Oscar for a bit now - there's this bubble in his eye. I've tried those over-the-counter meds, but no luck so far. I'm getting frustrated, can't imagine how my Oscar feels. I've searched online, but can't seem to find anything helpful. Thanks for any advice.
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Re: Oscar cichlid eye bubble issue

Post by Lachlan »

Sorry I don't have a solution for you but I'd recommend stopping the meds and focusing on large water changes instead. Unless you're certain of the exact issue, adding meds usually doesn't help and can sometimes make things worse.
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Re: Oscar cichlid eye bubble issue

Post by coltin »

I've done some research on this issue before and from what I've found, it's usually caused by tiny air bubbles in the water that somehow get into the fish's body and appear in the eyeball. It's worth noting that these air bubbles can originate from things like fine airstones or a small leak in a power filter, so that's something to be mindful of.

To minimize the risk of this happening, I'd recommend making sure your tank gets regular maintenance. For instance, try to do a big water change and gravel clean at least once a week to keep waste and nitrates under control. Also, make it a point to clean your filter at least once a month.

When adding new water to the tank, just double-check that it's free of chlorine and chloramine before doing so.
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