adding more fish to my tank

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adding more fish to my tank

Post by rusticore »

My 20 gallon reef setup's been doing alright. Got 27 pounds of live rock in there, 2-3" of sand that's teeming with life. Running a Tunze Lynxo skimmer to keep things clean. Stocking's pretty simple so far - 2 O. Clowns (yeah, I know, everyone's got 'em, as Lynden would say), a YWG, and a Pistol shrimp.

For corals, I've got a Brain coflake, a Torch coflake, various zoas and palys, some shrooms, a yellow fiji toadstool leather, different types of xenia, and a bunch of mcora and micro algae (including a chaeto clump and a bunch of hair algae on the back wall and side glass - halimedia's in there too).

Thinking of adding a fire-fish or a sixline wrasse, but a blenny or a hawkfish wouldn't be a bad choice either. I'm planning on upgrading to a 40 gallon tank next summer, but I don't want to overstock this 20 gallon tank as a grow-out, just in case.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by dune9x »

rusticore wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 3:54 pm My 20 gallon reef setup's been doing alright. Got 27 pounds of live rock in there, 2-3" of sand that's teeming with life. Running a Tunze Lynxo skimmer to keep things clean. Stocking's pretty simple so far - 2 O. Clowns (yeah, I know, everyone's got 'em, as Lynden would say), a YWG, and a Pistol shrimp.

For corals, I've got a Brain coflake, a Torch coflake, various zoas and palys, some shrooms, a yellow fiji toadstool leather, different types of xenia, and a bunch of mcora and micro algae (including a chaeto clump and a bunch of hair algae on the back wall and side glass - halimedia's in there too).

Thinking of adding a fire-fish or a sixline wrasse, but a blenny or a hawkfish wouldn't be a bad choice either. I'm planning on upgrading to a 40 gallon tank next summer, but I don't want to overstock this 20 gallon tank as a grow-out, just in case.
Definitely agree, no need to overstock the 20 gallon. Any of the fish you mentioned could work, just gotta pick one or two. Those neon gobies are actually a great idea, they're really cool little fish.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by rusticore »

I'm not sold on mixing gobies in a tank this small, might be a bit too crowded for my liking.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by dune9x »

rusticore wrote: Mon Jul 01, 2024 3:54 pm My 20 gallon reef setup's been doing alright. Got 27 pounds of live rock in there, 2-3" of sand that's teeming with life. Running a Tunze Lynxo skimmer to keep things clean. Stocking's pretty simple so far - 2 O. Clowns (yeah, I know, everyone's got 'em, as Lynden would say), a YWG, and a Pistol shrimp.

For corals, I've got a Brain coflake, a Torch coflake, various zoas and palys, some shrooms, a yellow fiji toadstool leather, different types of xenia, and a bunch of mcora and micro algae (including a chaeto clump and a bunch of hair algae on the back wall and side glass - halimedia's in there too).

Thinking of adding a fire-fish or a sixline wrasse, but a blenny or a hawkfish wouldn't be a bad choice either. I'm planning on upgrading to a 40 gallon tank next summer, but I don't want to overstock this 20 gallon tank as a grow-out, just in case.
Neon gobies and YWG can coexist, pretty different fish, but I still think they're not the best fit for this tank.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by rusticore »

I'm looking for something that stands out, not gobies.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by floral9 »

Go for the sixline wrasse, I think it'd be a great fit. A red head wrasse would also be pretty cool, I've always liked those.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by rusticore »

Been doing some more research on wrasses, and I'm not so sure they'd be a good fit for my tank now. I totally spaced that I've got 2 skunk cleaner shrimp in there.

Might check the LRC classifieds and see what pops up. Thinking maybe a Royal Gramma?
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by floral9 »

I'm not sold on the six line yet, but I've been reading up on them. Red head's seem pretty cool, and reef safe. Royal gramma's are nice too, but I'm not sure if they'd work in my tank. What about anthia's, anyone have experience with those?
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by zenoxa »

I was under the impression that skunk cleaners wouldn't get along with most wrasses, but it seems I was wrong. Apparently, they can be kept with a variety of wrasses, especially the smaller ones. A fairy wrasse might be a good option, though I've heard they're notorious jumpers, so I'd have to be careful about that.
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Re: adding more fish to my tank

Post by rusticore »

I've got an egg-crate cover, just need to make it a habit to use it every time.
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