White's and Blue's

Chat about all things related to Discus, from purchasing to breeding and everything in between. One of the most beautiful species in the hobby
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White's and Blue's

Post by PureAddict »

I've been going through a lot of posts here and I think I've got a good grasp on the main issues with keeping "primary red" or "primary yellow" discus together and maintaining those vibrant colors. It seems to boil down to food and color enhancers, whether they're added or natural. If I'm off the mark, please correct me - it's affecting my discus choices. What I haven't been able to find is info on White and Blue discus. Can I assume that Whites would either lose their whiteness or start picking up reds or yellows depending on their diet? What about Albino discus - are they even capable of developing color? If I go with a primary red or yellow and feed accordingly, what'll happen to the Blues? If I want Blues, can I mix and match different Blues? Would Reds or Yellows be a better combination?
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Re: White's and Blue's

Post by abbeytone »

Re: White's and Blue's

I'm not surprised you're getting mixed signals, to be honest. I've been digging through the color threads myself, and it's tough to get a straight answer. You might want to reach out to some of the other distributors who sponsor this forum - they might be able to give you a more definitive answer.

From what I've gathered, when you buy a fish from a distributor, especially if it's 4 inches or less, the color has likely been artificially enhanced by the breeder. My gut tells me that unless you continue to supplement, that color is going to fade. Take a look at the prior threads on red and yellow discus - I think you'll see what I mean.
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