Discus Trace

Chat about all things related to Discus, from purchasing to breeding and everything in between. One of the most beautiful species in the hobby
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Re: Discus Trace

Post by jennyfish »

Re: Discus Trace

Thanks for the input Ed and Jay. I'm on RO water only, don't want to risk adding tap due to the chlorine. Trace does seem pricey, though. I'm on the fence about this. Liz made a good point about minerals coming from food, not water. Maybe I'm good without it.

Thanks All!
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Re: Discus Trace

Post by jennyfish »

Originally posted by jade

Jenna, I have never purchased a discus from anyone but Kenny. None better in my opinion. Which did you order?

That's wonderful to hear, jade - thanks so much for sharing your experience. Kenny's discus are truly stunning and the fact that they sell out fast says a lot about their quality. I feel even more confident now that I've made the right choice for my first discus.

I'm a big fan of different colors and patterns, so I chose a variety for my school... HB Blue Carnation, Super Pigeon Snakeskin, Yellow White, HB Blue Tiger Turquoise, Mosaic Turquoise, and Red Heckel Cross. Starting small with a 75-gallon tank, just to make sure I can do this, lol. If all goes well, I'm hoping to upgrade to a much larger tank in a couple of years and add more of Kenny's exotic strains - his selection is incredible!
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Re: Discus Trace

Post by jade »

I first came across Kenny through a fellow breeder of discus and angelfish. I was blown away by his selection, but I had a tough time choosing because I'd lost touch with the discus world since the days of only wild ones being available. Fast forward three years and I discovered the amazing world of hybrid discus. I ordered a mix of fish, but I asked Kenny why he didn't have any wild ones. He didn't have any listed, but he offered to swap one of my choices for something special - an Alenquer. That was close enough to wild for me. From then on, I've only ordered wild crosses from Kenny. I also had a great experience with Forrest, who sent some amazing fish to Kenny for me. When they arrived, I asked Kenny to pick out a female for me, since I had too many males. He came through, and the female spawned just six days after she arrived. Let me tell you, Forrest always sends the nicest fish, and Kenny gives you better-than-Nordstrom service.
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