Favia coral issues and troubleshooting

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Favia coral issues and troubleshooting

Post by Kazumi4 »

I'm stumped and could really use some help.

My green favia just started recessing out of nowhere - no changes to flow or lighting, and the rest of my corals (hammers, zoos, multiple SPS pieces) are all thriving. The only thing I've added recently is Zeovit Trace Elements, but I stopped dosing that weeks ago and have done two water changes since then.

Initially, I tried an iodine drip when I first noticed the recession, but that didn't seem to make a difference. This white slime has been present since the recession started, and it's gradually getting worse. I'm considering taking the favia out again and dipping it in Coral RX.

System specs are as follows: 135 gallon TWV, 78 degrees, 1.026, pH 8.0, 3ppm nitrates, 0ppm phosphates (Hanna), 8.4 alk, 460 cal, 1260 mg. I'm running low nutrients and dosing with Acropower and Red Sea Energy (A&B).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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