Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
ive had it for like a month and its already turning white... is it something to do with the calcium, alk or ph levels? i'm totally lost here, new to saltwater and freaking out... helllp
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
Your tank's pretty new, right? Still in the cycle phase or what?
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
Keeping elegance corals can be a real challenge, I've found Aussie ones are generally easier to care for than the Indo varieties. It's looking a bit grim for that coral unless you get some water tests done and sort out the issue - I'd recommend checking your Mg, Ca, and Alk levels.
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
yeah guys, this thing was a goner, but it's kinda coming back now, trying xenia, my tank's about 3 months old
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
guys, my tank's been up for 3 months now, so I'm pretty sure it's past the cycling phase
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
Make sure your tank's parameters are in check before adding coral, gotta keep them stable. Proper lighting for your corals is key, and they need the right flow.
I noticed the elegance is covered in sand, keep it clear of debris if you want it to recover.
I noticed the elegance is covered in sand, keep it clear of debris if you want it to recover.
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
didn't you upgrade your tank setup recently, and did that also involve changing the lighting system, I'm just trying to understand what might've caused this issue
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
I'm thinking the lighting might be the culprit, elegances seem pretty sensitive to brighter lights, especially the bluer ones, anything above 15k and they're not happy.
Re: Troubleshooting my elegance coral issue
I'd stick with softies that are more forgiving till your tank's more established, Aussie ones are a good bet.