identifying the subject
identifying the subject
My female betta just dropped a bunch of stuff, I'm guessing they're eggs. Never had any of my other bettas do this before. What's the deal with these things?
Re: identifying the subject
They resemble snail eggs, probably not what you're looking for, but that's my guess.
Re: identifying the subject
I was wondering, do you have a nerite snail in your tank?
Re: identifying the subject
No I don't keep a nerite snail. The weird thing is, these things just dropped out of her, like she was laying something, but it didn't resemble waste at all - it was more like she was releasing something that had been inside her.
Re: identifying the subject
It's definitely possible that they're expelled eggs. I've seen something similar with my gouramis - their eggs have a similar shape and are very white. Check out the video, kips to around 1:08.
Re: identifying the subject
I'm not sure, but maybe they're really eggs after all.
Re: identifying the subject
Considering the similarity between gouramis and bettas, it's likely the eggs share some resemblance.
Re: identifying the subject
I'm inclined to think they're eggs, the picture seems to suggest that, but I'm not entirely sure what else it could be.
Re: identifying the subject
"Got any confirmation on what those things are? Just saw this on my moss ball, and she's actually eating them."