my 300 liter tanganyika aquarium journal
Re: my 300 liter tanganyika aquarium journal
Cheers for the heads up, mate. No worries, I can take constructive criticism. I've got to say, I'm loving the tank so far, but I know I've still got a lot to learn. I've been thinking about adding the next batch of Julies this week instead of next, just to see how they settle in. Fingers crossed it'll all work out okay. I've got my pleco to remove first, though - he's making a right mess of the substrate.
Re: my 300 liter tanganyika aquarium journal
It's possible it'll work for you with all those rocks. Julies only claim tiny territories, so that's in your favour. I had a similar issue with mine, they all piled onto the biggest rock formation, but once I broke it up into smaller groups with spaces in between, the new ones were able to find their own spots. Had to remove all the fish and reintroduce them for it to work, mind. But they're great fish, really interesting to watch.
Re: my 300 liter tanganyika aquarium journal
So my plans didn't exactly go as I thought they would today. Drove an hour to see a mate who breeds cichlids, was gonna pick up some more Julies but that didn't happen. Got there and the first thing I saw was some gorgeous Brichardis, a lot lighter than my first two so I ended up taking them home instead. Think I've got 3 females and 2 males but to be honest it's hard to tell 100%. Also picked up a couple of shellies, male and female Neolamprologus similis. The female took a wee while to decide which shell to call home but once she made her mind up she was in and hardly pokes her head out now, shy wee thing.
Here's a few pics of the new additions, would love to hear your thoughts.
Here's a few pics of the new additions, would love to hear your thoughts.
Re: my 300 liter tanganyika aquarium journal
Glad you're enjoying the pics, cheers for the feedback. That little shellie's a real cutie, isn't she? I've never seen a Similis with that marking before either, had me wondering if it was a Brevis at first, but the breeder reckoned it was a Similis. Stocking's coming along, got the two original Julies, added four more, then picked up a few more Brichardis and the two shellies. Still need to sort out the pleco situation, but we'll see how it goes.