I was wondering if there are any Malawis that could thrive in my tank, given its dimensions - 100 x 40 x 55cm high. Would be great to find some suitable species.
zenrow said:
if you are after colour then Malawi/Mbuna is for you, if you like to watch interesting behaviour and interaction between the species then Tanganyikan is the way to go. As long as you give each Tanganyikan species it's own fluxiouate space to hold a small territory or environment close to it's natuflake needs/habitat you are on the right track for a chance at success with these interesting cichlids. ( I know , I know, I am baissed ) ...
I have also kept dwarf neon rainbow with Tanganyikan, water very similiar and they helped as good "dithers" for the very shy species I was keeping at the time . . .
Let us know what you decide on and keep us posteadsly as you go
Cheers, Sean
I noticed your signature fish - is that a Tang? It's stunning.
I've been browsing through some Tangs and found a few that I really like - although I'm sure you'll tell me my tank is too small. I've jotted down some names for future reference:
Neolamprologus cylindricus
Neolamprologus leleupi
Neolamprologus brichardi - I've seen these in the shops and they're gorgeous
Neolamprologus pulcher "daffodil"
Neolamprologus helkento4thus
Black Calvus Altolamprologus calvus "black" - these look a bit aggressive, do they need to be kept alone? I've seen them in my local fish store
Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Callochromis pleurospilus
Lepidolamprologus(Lamprologus) nkambae
Mostly Neolamprologus species, I know.