Struggling to raise octospawn.
Re: Struggling to raise octospawn.
I've had my fair share of experience with corals being resilient too. My first LPS, a hammer coral, didn't exactly thrive under my care - it actually died off pretty badly. I decided to leave the skeleton in the system, and to my surprise, it started growing new little heads over time.
Re: Struggling to raise octospawn.
My wasp fish is actually really fond of hiding under the octospawns, I catch him sneaking under there all the time.
Re: Struggling to raise octospawn.
Glad to see your octospawn made it, looking really healthy now. Awesome pics, by the way. Been wanting one for a while, but can't find any locally, might have to look online.
Re: Struggling to raise octospawn.
I had the same issue, local stores had them but wouldn't budge, display tanks only. Ended up having to go online to find mine.