My skittish cichlid

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My skittish cichlid

Post by armored »

Good Morning Fish Keepers

I've got a question about my Mbuna Africa Cichlid. I've had him for a week now, along with six others. At first, he was really skittish, hiding in the corners or behind rocks. I figured this was normal, new environment and all, and he'd eventually come out of his shell.

The other five have done just that - they're always swimming around, playing with each other, and even digging in the sand. They seem really happy. But my little blue guy is still hiding. I've barely seen him eat, and he looks like he's shaking all the time. He's always under a rock, breathing heavily with his mouth partially open. No one else in the tank is doing this.

I've tried to take a closer look, but he won't sit still long enough. I'm wondering if he's got something stuck in his mouth. I've been watching him for a few days now, and I don't think the other fish are bothering him. They'll occasionally chase him out of his hiding spot, but it's not aggressive - more like they're trying to get him to play.

Everyone's still pretty young, so there aren't any established territories yet. He's the second smallest in the tank, but the smallest one is actually really brave and swims with the rest.

I'll try to get some video footage tonight so you can see how he's acting. Any help or advice would be great.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by ethonic »

I've had a similar issue with my parrot cichlid - he was really shy at first too. Now he's getting a bit bolder, but still hides from me whenever I'm around. I've noticed that if I switch off the tank lights, he becomes more active and swims around freely.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by armored »

I also thought of that, watching him with the lights out, but he still wouldn't budge from under the rock. It's possible that's just his personality, but I'm worried it might become an issue as they mature.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by ethonic »

I think if he's not being harassed, he'll likely warm up to his surroundings eventually.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by duskdrop »

I've had a similar experience with my convict cichlid, it was always hiding from me whenever I'd walk by or turn the lights off, barely eating - sounds pretty similar to what you're describing. I decided to try rearranging the tank and adding more hiding spots, and it seemed to really boost its confidence or something, because now it swims everywhere, even when I'm walking by. Worth a shot, maybe.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by Eclipse4 »

I completely agree with adding more hiding spots for your Mbuna. With African cichlids, they really do need plenty of places to hide. I'd say keep the lights on, but create some spots where the light can't reach. You can try rearranging the tank, adding some plants or decorations, and see how that goes. It might just be what your little blue guy needs to feel more secure.
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Re: My skittish cichlid

Post by armored »

Sadly, I lost the little blue guy today.
I'm pretty sure he starved to death since I hadn't seen him eat in the 10 days he was with me.
It seemed like there was something wrong with his mouth that prevented him from eating, or maybe he was just too sick to eat.
On the bright side, everyone else in the tank is doing great - healthy and happy.
Thanks again for all your advice, hopefully the rest of my Mbunas will thrive.
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