Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Large polyp stony coral suggestions
I'm after a slow-growing LPS that encrusts. I've got medium lighting and flow in the tank. There are some peaceful corals nearby, so I need something that's not going to cause any issues. Looking for suggestions with short sweepers.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
I'd consider a frag of bflintix9to or a small merletti colony. While they're not encrusting LPS, they could work well in your setup. Chalices do have some great qualities, but their aggression might be a concern with your peaceful corals nearby.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Lithophyllon's a great fit for you. It's essentially a multi-mouthed, encrusting plate coral with hardly any sweepers to worry about.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Some other options I'd consider are Lithophyllon and leptoseris. Lepastrea and favites are also worth a look.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Acans are another great option. They're encrusting, have short sweeper tentacles and can thrive in medium light, medium flow environments.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Acanthastrea echinata will do the trick, encrusting and all.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Acan echinata is the way to go. As for regular Acans, I'm not sure if they're considered encrusting types or not.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
I'd say all acans have the potential to be encrusting if you give them a rock to cling to - it's all about how you define encrusting, really. For the OP's request of 'short sweepers', I'm assuming they're after non-aggressive corals. Honestly, I wouldn't classify any acan as non-aggressive, given their nature. With peaceful corals in the vicinity, acans will likely outcompete them.
Re: Large polyp stony coral suggestions
Leptastrea's a good one, medium light and flow should suit it just fine. Short tentacles, not too aggressive either.