Help me identify this coral
Help me identify this coral
I picked these up earlier and I'm wondering if anyone can help me identify the species.
Re: Help me identify this coral
Favia's a possibility
Re: Help me identify this coral
First thought, war coral. Others, I agree, likely Favia.
Re: Help me identify this coral
I'm inclined to agree with war coral on the first one. Number 2 seems to resemble a goniastrea. The third one, I'm leaning more towards an acan.
Re: Help me identify this coral
Thanks for the IDs, guys. Now I'm curious about lighting - any tips on what these corals need? Are any of them sensitive to too much light?
Re: Help me identify this coral
Favites is a possibility, but I'm leaning more towards war coral on the first one.
Re: Help me identify this coral
First one looks like favites to me, the other two seem more like favia.