newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
Just brought home 9 baby F1 Cyphotilapia frontosa Kabwe "Kalolo Blue" yesterday, they're between an inch and a half to two inches long. Took a few pics this morning now they've had some time to settle in. Hope you like them.
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
They look great, really like them. How big will they grow, curious to know.
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
Lovely additions to your tank, Sean. I've seen those little guys going for a pretty penny on some UK sites. Did you have to take out a second mortgage?
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
Lovely additions, I'm tempted to get some for myself now.
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
Got a good deal on them from a private breeder, got to see the wild caught adults and they were massive, really chunky blue beasts. He had some Kavala ones too, but I didn't want to mix them, would've had to separate them later on. The pics don't do them justice, they're just point and shoot, but in person they're lovely.
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
If all goes well with my malawi, might consider a tanganyikan swap for the tropical.
Re: newly acquired tanganyikan cichlids
Great score, Sean. Lovely additions to your crew.