I'm setting up a new tank and I'm after a nutrient-rich substrate that'll support a heavily planted aquarium. I've had good results with aqua soil in the past, but after 8-10 months it breaks down into a powder, causing more problems than it's worth - my internal filter impeller's clogged up a few times, which isn't ideal.
So, I'm wondering - can root tabs provide enough nutrients for a densely planted tank on their own? I've got a specific root tab in mind, but I'm not sure if it's enough to sustain a tank with a lot of plant growth.
Which is better for my aquarium: root tabs or aqua soil?
Re: Which is better for my aquarium: root tabs or aqua soil?
I've found a pretty reliable alternative to aqua soil for my planted tanks. I used to use aqua soil with great results, but it would break down after 8-10 months and cause issues with my filter.
For my current setup, I've gone with organic potting soil capped with pool filter sand - any type of sand works, really. I've also started using osmocote fertilizer, similar to root tabs, and just bury them deep in the substrate.
The first pic shows how it looked when I started, and the second is how it's progressed. So far, this method has worked better for me than aqua soil. Still got some work to do on the right side and getting the front to fill out, but it's mostly just propagation cuttings for now.
For my current setup, I've gone with organic potting soil capped with pool filter sand - any type of sand works, really. I've also started using osmocote fertilizer, similar to root tabs, and just bury them deep in the substrate.
The first pic shows how it looked when I started, and the second is how it's progressed. So far, this method has worked better for me than aqua soil. Still got some work to do on the right side and getting the front to fill out, but it's mostly just propagation cuttings for now.
Re: Which is better for my aquarium: root tabs or aqua soil?
Aqua soil's nutrient loss over time is a major drawback, requiring regular recharging with fertilizers. Honestly, it seems more cost-effective to just use the fertilizers from the start and opt for a more budget-friendly substrate.
Re: Which is better for my aquarium: root tabs or aqua soil?
Most aquatic plants obtain their nutrients from the water, so root feeding isn't strictly necessary for the majority. However, certain plants like Echinodorus, Cryptocorynes, Aponogetons, and Lilies/lotus do take up a significant amount of nutrients through their roots, although they can also absorb them through their leaves. I've found that using root tabs in conjunction with a liquid fertiliser is usually sufficient for plant tanks.
You can also create your own terrac balls, or purchase them as laterite, to provide targeted nutrients to your plants. To make them, simply collect some red terrac from the ground, roll it into small balls about 10mm in diameter, and let them dry. Then, push them into the soil under the base of the plants to provide a slow release of nutrients.
You can also create your own terrac balls, or purchase them as laterite, to provide targeted nutrients to your plants. To make them, simply collect some red terrac from the ground, roll it into small balls about 10mm in diameter, and let them dry. Then, push them into the soil under the base of the plants to provide a slow release of nutrients.