is my betta struggling with the water flow

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is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

I've been running into some issues with my Top Fin Power 10 filter on my 5.5 gallon tank - the flow is just too strong for my Betta, Phil, even at its lowest setting. Does anyone have a recommendation for a super low flow, gentle filter that won't create such a powerful current? I've taken out the Top Fin filter for now and Phil's much more relaxed, swimming around effortlessly and showing off his beautiful fins - he even flares up occasionally at stuff in the tank. Before, he was just stuck swimming back and forth along the front glass, clearly stressed out. He couldn't even make it to the surface for air or just chill.

I know I need a filter, but for now I'm just doing daily water changes. Any suggestions would be a huge help - thanks!
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by goldminer »

I've got a filter on my 5g cube that works great for low flow. It's the Aqua One Clearview Hang-On Filter 100. The flow is totally adjustable so you can customize it to your tank's needs. I think this might be exactly what you're looking for to keep Phil happy and stress-free.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by coltin »

Aquaclear HOB filters are also adjustable, another option for you to consider. I'm curious, did you try modifying the Top Fin filter to reduce the flow? One thing that might help is placing a round sponge over the intake strainer. This can make a big difference in reducing the current. You could also experiment with moving the filter to different sides of the tank, or positioning it along the back. Adding a rock or piece of driftwood in front of the filter outlet can also help break up the flow. If all else fails, you could try restricting the intake strainer with some tape - just be sure it's securely attached to avoid any issues. Even a small reduction, like taping off a quarter of the strainer, can significantly decrease the water flow.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

I appreciate the suggestions, they've been really helpful. The Aqua Clear HOB filter does seem like a great option, but it's a bit pricey and unfortunately, it's out of stock at the local pet shops. I'm also a bit concerned that it might be similar to the Top Fin in terms of flow, despite the better adjustment.

I haven't tried modifying the Top Fin filter yet, to be honest, I was worried about damaging it. But I'll definitely give it a shot now. If that doesn't work, I might consider a simple sponge filter and an air pump. Adding some live plants to the tank could also make a big difference in terms of filtration.

It's amazing to see the change in Phil already. Without the strong current, he's swimming around so leisurely, exploring every nook and cranny of his tank. He's even started using his Betta hammock, which he never did before. I've caught him relaxing on it, just hovering near the surface. It's wonderful to see him happy and stress-free.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by coltin »

Aquaclears are a solid choice, but if you can't get your hands on one, it doesn't do much to help your situation. If you're looking for an alternative solution, I'd suggest trying a round sponge on the intake strainer first. This might just do the trick in reducing the flow to a more manageable level for your Betta. If that doesn't work out, you could try taking the intake strainer to a hardware store and seeing if you can find a short piece of PVC pipe that can slide over it. You're not looking to cover the entire thing, just a portion - maybe a third to half of the strainer. This should cut the flow in half, which might make a big difference for your Betta. If you can't find a suitable piece of PVC pipe, you could also try using gaffa tape to cover around a third of the strainer.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

coltin wrote: Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:31 am Aquaclear HOB filters are also adjustable, another option for you to consider. I'm curious, did you try modifying the Top Fin filter to reduce the flow? One thing that might help is placing a round sponge over the intake strainer. This can make a big difference in reducing the current. You could also experiment with moving the filter to different sides of the tank, or positioning it along the back. Adding a rock or piece of driftwood in front of the filter outlet can also help break up the flow. If all else fails, you could try restricting the intake strainer with some tape - just be sure it's securely attached to avoid any issues. Even a small reduction, like taping off a quarter of the strainer, can significantly decrease the water flow.
I've tried taping around two thirds of the intake tube, which has helped reduce the flow a bit, but unfortunately it's still not enough to prevent the surface flow from causing Phil problems. Due to my tank's lid, I'm limited to placing the filter either in the center or slightly to the right side of the tank, and I've already got the water level as high as it can go. My next step will be to try baffling the output stream and see if that makes any difference.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by coltin »

A small kitchen strainer, the plastic kind you'd use for pasta, can be placed under the outlet in the tank to help break up the flow.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

coltin wrote: Fri Mar 21, 2025 11:31 am Aquaclear HOB filters are also adjustable, another option for you to consider. I'm curious, did you try modifying the Top Fin filter to reduce the flow? One thing that might help is placing a round sponge over the intake strainer. This can make a big difference in reducing the current. You could also experiment with moving the filter to different sides of the tank, or positioning it along the back. Adding a rock or piece of driftwood in front of the filter outlet can also help break up the flow. If all else fails, you could try restricting the intake strainer with some tape - just be sure it's securely attached to avoid any issues. Even a small reduction, like taping off a quarter of the strainer, can significantly decrease the water flow.
I didn't have a small strainer, so I got creative. I cut a piece of a black nylon t-shirt, folded it up, and wedged it in front of the output spout as a baffle. It's working, the output flow is now a gentle trickle and Phil doesn't seem bothered by it. I also added a floating plastic plant under the flow to dissipate it more. Next, I plan to get a sponge, cut it to size, and use it instead of the nylon t-shirt.

Edit: I guess I spoke too soon...a few minutes after baffling the filter, Phil went back to pacing back and forth at the front of his tank. He just can't handle it. As soon as I shut it off, he goes back to normal. Right now, he's attacking his moss's hilarious. I've decided to get a sponge filter and pump - it's clear that's the way to go for Phil's sake.
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

So I tried wrapping a piece of nylon around the intake tube screen, just like coltin suggested. I then took a water bottle, cut it in half, and used it to baffle the output flow, hoping it would dissipate the water more gently. Unfortunately, my Betta, Phil, still seems really stressed out when the filter is on. He just swims back and forth along the front glass, close to the bottom of the tank - it's like he's trying to escape or something.

When the filter is off, he's a completely different fish. He swims all over the tank, flaring at random objects and just generally seeming happy. But as soon as I turn the filter on, he goes back to his stressed-out behavior. He's not even pausing to rest, just constantly swimming back and forth. I'm starting to get really frustrated - why is he so sensitive to the current flow? Is there something else bothering him that I'm not seeing?
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Re: is my betta struggling with the water flow

Post by riverra »

I'm pretty confident this latest tweak has done the trick. We've got filtration going on, and the surface agitation and undertow are minimal. I switched off the tank light and quietly watched Phil. He swam all around his tank with ease, even right under the filter output flow, no problem. He looks way more relaxed now, just cruising around, searching for a spot to settle in for the night. I'm not going to bother with that pump and sponge filter. I don't think I'll do any better with it.

Now I can finally invest in a good water testing kit.
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