Culturing live foods in a small tank: options for a 2.5-gallon setup
Culturing live foods in a small tank: options for a 2.5-gallon setup
Title's pretty straightforward - I've got a 2.5-gallon tank, one of those cheap bowfront 2.5 betta tanks. I'm looking to culture something, hoping to breed angel fish and I want to feed them live foods.
Re: Culturing live foods in a small tank: options for a 2.5-gallon setup
A 2.5-gallon tank is a bit of a challenge when it comes to culturing food. I came across this link that might be helpful for culturing food for baby fish.
"Back to Basics when Breeding Fish" has some useful info. For instance, when starting out, make sure you've got a male and female pair - let's be honest, two males just won't cut it.
"Back to Basics when Breeding Fish" has some useful info. For instance, when starting out, make sure you've got a male and female pair - let's be honest, two males just won't cut it.
Re: Culturing live foods in a small tank: options for a 2.5-gallon setup
Scuds would thrive in a small freshwater setup like yours. No heater or filter needed for these amphipods. For angelfish conditioning, baby brine shrimp are a great option, but you'll need some basic equipment - a bubbler or filter - and slightly salty water.