A more suitable title for the thread would be: "when is the best time for feeding"
Re: A more suitable title for the thread would be: "when is the best time for feeding"
Love this tank setup, it's amazing. The combination of colors is so nice. Are those yellow labs and kenyi, they really stand out with the blue and yellow decorations?
Re: A more suitable title for the thread would be: "when is the best time for feeding"
That cichlid tank is incredible, I'm seriously tempted to set one up now.
Re: A more suitable title for the thread would be: "when is the best time for feeding"
Lovely tank and fish, really nice setup you have there.
Re: A more suitable title for the thread would be: "when is the best time for feeding"
Your tank is absolutely stunning, I love the setup. What's the tank size, by the way? I'm actually considering taking over my dad's spare tank, it's been sitting empty for ages.