A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
I've spotted something on the side of a large log in the tank. I'm wondering if anyone can help identify them. I have a few suspects in mind - my zebra loaches, Schwartzi corys, lemon tetras, cherry barbs, and some older red-eye tetras. The loaches have been pretty active with each other since the last water change, but I'm not sure if that's a sign of spawning or just them jostling each other. I'm guessing the eggs will likely get eaten before they hatch, but it's always possible something might make it through. I have had success spawning lemon tetras in a tank with loaches and kribensis before.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
Those eggs don't resemble fish eggs to me. I'm wondering if you might have some kind of snail in the tank that could be laying them.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
Nerites could be a good possibility, considering their ability to leave eggs.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
No intentional snails here, that's what I've got the loaches for - supposed to be my cleanup crew. Guess they're too well-fed and slacking off on their snail patrol duties.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
If they're embedded in a gel-like substance, I'd suspect pest snail eggs. Ramshorns and physid snails are known to lay their eggs in this gel-like blob.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
Looks to me like snail eggs. I've got pond snails in all my tanks, and I'm always seeing those gel-like clusters.
The first pic is what a fresh cluster looks like, and the second is one that's matured.
The first pic is what a fresh cluster looks like, and the second is one that's matured.
Re: A classic campfire treat: what is eggs on a log?
It looks similar to gel, like in @matti3344's photos, but the location in the tank makes it difficult to get a good look or photo. If most of you think they're snail eggs, that's probably what they are. I guess the snails are nocturnal, only coming out when I'm not around. The loaches seem to be keeping them under control since the tank doesn't feel overrun. Hopefully, if these eggs hatch, the loaches will enjoy a snack. Thanks for your input.