Bowerbanki coral skin recession

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Bowerbanki coral skin recession

Post by tidedown »

Hey guys,
My Bowerbanki colony is dealing with some skin recession on one side and I'm stumped. I've got a 75g mixed reef DT with no coral-nipping fish or crabs. My parameters are all in check - 2ppm nitrates, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 420 Ca, 1360 mg, 8.2 DKH, 1.026 SG. I built my own LED lights and they're not cranked up too high. For flow, I've got 2 mp40wQD's that only peak at 40% power for 4 hours a day, mostly running between 30-35% via reeflink. I'm having trouble pinpointing the issue, especially since the pumps don't peak past 40% and the flow doesn't seem too aggressive. I feed the acans 1-2 times a week. Only thing I could think of is too much flow, but I'm skeptical. Thoughts?
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Re: Bowerbanki coral skin recession

Post by Duskborn »

I've experienced similar skin recession issues with my own Bowerbankis and some acans, and I was able to resolve the problem by tweaking the water flow to provide a bit more circulation. I also increased their feeding frequency, and they eventually made a full recovery. Would you be able to share a picture of the affected area for a better visual understanding?
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