I've been eyeing that yellow banded maroon clown for ages, but I've got a pair of common clowns that are staying put.
I've noticed some people keeping a maroon with a pair of percs and I'm wondering if it's worth the gamble for me.
maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
they'll be alright but the maroon has to be the last clownfish added to your tank. if your common clowns are sharing an anemone, you'll need a separate one for the maroon, don't wanna risk any conflicts.
they'll be alright but the maroon has to be the last clownfish added to your tank. if your common clowns are sharing an anemone, you'll need a separate one for the maroon, don't wanna risk any conflicts.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
I'm actually interested in this too Seffie, I got my Percs without planning a 6 ft tank, now I'm thinking of adding a pair of Maroons, not sure if it's gonna work out though.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
it'll work but you gotta make sure the maroons are the last clowns you add to the tank, they'll be fine with the percs, just make sure you've got a separate anemone for them.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
It's all part of the upgrade plan to 6ft, which I won't have just yet, still need to sort out the decor after passing on my 55g freshwater to my mum. Nice to know though that a pair of maroons could work out.
Looks like I'll need to get two nems at the same time when I finally get to the stage where I can introduce them.
Looks like I'll need to get two nems at the same time when I finally get to the stage where I can introduce them.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
I know of a guy in Hull who's selling a pair of maroon clowns, I can find out for either of you if you're interested.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
No hijack here, just a related question - so is your mum getting the queens then, hun?
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
It's gonna be at least a couple of months before the 6 footer's up and running, and to be honest I just can't risk adding them to my current 40g with the percs in there, it's just too much of a gamble.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
You know me hun, never miss an opportunity to try and get the 260's off ya. It will be a couple of months before I even get the 6 foot up and running. Cannot risk them with my percs in my present 40g.
Re: maroon clowns with yellow banded clowns
Don't think you've got a chance, they're staying put. Sorry Seffie, think I hijacked it a bit.