Emperor tetra behavior: peaceful or territorial?

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Emperor tetra behavior: peaceful or territorial?

Post by bereb »

I've come across a lot of conflicting opinions about this fish, especially in community settings. Some people swear by them, saying they're a dream to keep, while others claim they're complete bullies. I'm curious to know if anyone here has firsthand experience with this species.
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Re: Emperor tetra behavior: peaceful or territorial?

Post by sidthy »

In my experience, these fish can be quite docile when kept in sufficient numbers - I'd say a minimum of ten is a good rule of thumb. The males do get a bit testy with each other, but it's all just posturing and doesn't lead to any actual harm. They're not aggressive towards other species, which is a definite plus.

I think the ones people label as 'aggressive' are probably just being kept in less-than-ideal conditions - not enough tankmates, insufficient space, or poor tankmates that stress them out.
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Re: Emperor tetra behavior: peaceful or territorial?

Post by graye »

I was always led to believe they had a bit of a mean streak, especially from my own experiences with them in smaller tanks when I was younger. However, having recently considered getting a dozen for a larger setup, I've had a chance to observe them more closely. It's true that males can be a bit testy, and they do stake out territories - but these territories aren't set in stone. While I've mentioned before that they can be aggressive with each other, seeing more of them in the local market has changed my perspective. They do have their spats and disagreements, but generally, they coexist peacefully. In my experience, keeping them in smaller groups - around 10 or even 20 - doesn't showcase their best behavior. But in a suitable-sized tank with a proper group, they seem to be just fine. It really does come down to numbers; having just three in a 20-gallon tank can be a recipe for trouble.
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Re: Emperor tetra behavior: peaceful or territorial?

Post by saltWaterFreak »

I'm in agreement with the previous comments - my own experience with a large group of over 20 in an 86-gallon tank has shown that, yes, the males do bicker amongst themselves, and you should be prepared to see some battle scars as a result.

In my tank, I've noticed the males are constantly vying for the attention of the females, often luring them into the more densely planted areas, so I'd definitely recommend providing some decent cover for them.
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