information on cloudy eye cichlids

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information on cloudy eye cichlids

Post by dawnlite9 »

I've got a cichlid with a cloudy eye, and unfortunately, he's lost all sight in it. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what this might be and if there's a cure. I'm also concerned about the potential risk to my other fish - can this be contagious? As a relatively new cichlid owner, I've never encountered this issue before. Thankfully, my tank is otherwise thriving, but I'd love to resolve this problem.
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Re: information on cloudy eye cichlids

Post by riverbanker »

I've had an issue like this before with one of my cichlids, and it turned out the poor guy had gone blind in one eye. The cloudy eye is a pretty clear indicator of this. As long as the other eye is fine, it shouldn't cause too much trouble for your fish. Unfortunately, once they've gone blind, it's incurable. It's not contagious, so you don't have to worry about it spreading to your other fish. It's possible your fish was bullied or injured, maybe bumped into something. Sorry to hear that's happened to your fish, but don't worry, they'll be okay and can still live a happy life.
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