stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
Looking for some ideas, something active and entertaining to watch would be great. Tank size is a key factor for me, but I'm not too fussed about the workload of caring for them.
Re: stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
I'd recommend a few active and entertaining options. Since you don't mind the extra work, I'd suggest clown loaches or tiger barbs - both are super fun to watch. For a smaller tank, you could also consider harlequin rasboras.
Re: stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
Filtideflow's not bad, but I'm not sure about Puffer - they can get pretty big and be a handful. Wrasse could work though, I've heard they're pretty active and fun to watch.
Re: stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
Triggerfish. Blennies. Damsels.
Re: stocking a 55-gallon aquarium
flame angel with live rock