Hey everyone,
Got my shipment from Aquarium Co Op yesterday and I'm excited to dive in. I picked up the Easy Green Liquid Fertilizer and Root Tabs - wish I'd gotten the bigger pack of those, though. Also got some Dwarf Saggitaria and Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus.
Looking for some expert advice on growing these plants. Anybody have experience with them? What kind of lighting and ferts did you use? I've got a Nicrew SkyLED light and I'm planning to use the Easy Green ferts.
Gonna tag the plant gurus I know - @dungeon @willie32 @dizzy @starlord.
Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
Giggletons - Posts: 136
- Joined: Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:36 am
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
I got some info on those plants from Amazon, lol. For them to grow well, they need a lot of light. Soft, acidic water is best for 'em. The stems are kinda fragile and can break easily, but if you put 'em close to each other, they'll develop better. They grow new plants from the tops, and the rest of the stem will get lots of offshoots.
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
I think you're referring to the Pogostemon Stellatus Octopus, right? Appreciate the tips, especially about the lighting and water requirements.
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
Thanks for the tips, Giggletons.
BadgersSong - Posts: 142
- Joined: Wed Jan 19, 2022 4:47 pm
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
I've had a good run with dwarf sag in dirt substrate tanks - they seem to take off like crazy for a bit, then start fading out. From my experience, I think they might have a relatively short lifespan. The ones in my older rainbow setup are nearly gone now, probably due for a replacement.
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
Grabbed some PSO from Co op - super easy to grow. Took a lil' while to kick in, but then BAM, it just took off. Pretty much just stick 'em anywhere and they're good to go. Feeds off the water column, so I just used the same ferts I had lying around (Easy Green, btw) and it worked like a charm.
Re: Growing a thriving garden: plant care advice
Glad to hear they're doing well for you. I just added mine yesterday, so it's too early to tell, but hopefully they'll take off like yours did. My other plants haven't been doing great, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.