Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
I recently picked up some crystal red shrimp for my tank - super cool, by the way. They came with some mystery plants that had been cut back, I'm guessing to help them survive shipping. I had no idea what they were, so I rinsed them off and stuck them in my substrate. Fast forward, they're doing great and I'm curious - what are they? Initially, I thought maybe hornwort, but after browsing some pics, that's clearly not it. Any ideas?
Re: Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
Honestly, no idea without a pic.
Re: Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
Still having issues, attached the pic again, fingers crossed
Re: Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
No idea at all, sorry. Need a pic to even take a guess.
Re: Confused about the crs that came with my purchase
Could be Guppy grass?