I'm looking for some background plants that can thrive in my tank's conditions. pH is between 7.6 and 8.4, GH is around 21d, and KH is between 15 and 20 d. I've got plenty of Anubias, so I'd like to try something else. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
On a separate note, my Rosy Barbs are making life difficult for my Frogbit - they just can't resist trying to take a bite out of it.
plants for alkaline soils
Re: plants for alkaline soils
Vallisneria might do the trick for you - it's pretty adaptable to different pH levels. I've had success with it in similar water conditions.
Re: plants for alkaline soils
Vallisneria's alright for a background plant, but be warned, it can get a bit unruly, popping up shoots all over the place. If you're looking for something else, the longer, slender-leaved crypts are a good option, but they're slow growers - think Crypt balansae or Crypt crispatula.
Re: plants for alkaline soils
For plants, and indeed for fish, the GH is more crucial than the pH. That being said, there are numerous aquarium plants that will thrive even in water as hard as yours. As mentioned earlier, Vallisneria is a great option, being native to the hard water rift lakes in Africa, which allows it to effectively utilize bicarbonates as a carbon source - a trait not all plants possess. Another suitable option would be Sword plants, specifically Echinodorus species, which should also do well in your setup.
Re: plants for alkaline soils
Considering Vallisneria now, thanks for the suggestions, might just give it a shot.
Re: plants for alkaline soils
With such a high KH value, you might need to explore harder water species to find what works for you. Plants seem to be more flexible with varying GH levels, but they do require some GH for calcium and magnesium ions. Generally, the lower the KH, the better most plants will do - I run my tanks at under 1 dKH for this reason. At around 18 dKH, many plants, especially those native to soft water, will start to struggle as the bicarbonates can hinder nutrient uptake.
Re: plants for alkaline soils
In my experience with tanks having a pH above 7.6 and GH over 200ppm, I've had success with several plant species. Notably, Zorchzon Sword plants have thrived, particularly when placed on the sides or as a centerpiece. Ambulia, Hygrophila polysperma, and Hydrilla have also done well, growing tall and making great additions to the back of the tank. Narrow Vallis is another option that's worked for me, and Water Sprite, although typically a floating plant, can also be planted in the substrate.