Discus fish compatibility

Chat about all things related to Discus, from purchasing to breeding and everything in between. One of the most beautiful species in the hobby
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Discus fish compatibility

Post by SlyFox »

I've been considering adding some wild discus to my tank and I'm torn between the Red cuipeau and semi-royal. Which of these do you think are harder and more demanding to care for? Can they be mixed together or would that be a recipe for disaster?

I'm planning to keep them in a 5x2x2 feet aquarium - how many wild discus of about 15cm can I safely keep in there? Another thing I'm worried about is keeping altum and scalare with the wild discus - would they compete for food and maybe even bully them?

Also, what's the best diet for wild discus? Can I give them heart mix or is it better to stick with fiber-rich foods?
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Re: Discus fish compatibility

Post by seaquake »

Re: Discus fish compatibility

Red Cuipeau and semi-royal wild discus might essentially be the same strain, just with royals having those extra blue striations. Generally, you're looking at 1 discus per 10 gallons of water, depending on your water changes and maintenance routine. I've seen 15cm discus mixed with angels, but it's worth considering. Some folks swear by all-beef heart, while others prefer a varied diet. If I were to use beef heart, I'd probably add some peas for fiber, but others might not bother.
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Re: Discus fish compatibility

Post by SlyFox »

Re: Discus fish compatibility

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Re: Discus fish compatibility

Post by seaquake »

Re: Discus fish compatibility

Wild discus usually get their names from the specific tributary or river system they're caught in. You'll often find that many of these tributaries have semi-royal or royal color variations within them.
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