Are commercial fish flakes convenient for fish or manufacturers?

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Re: Are commercial fish flakes convenient for fish or manufacturers?

Post by coltin »

Prepared fish foods are a bit of a catch-22 – they're convenient and easy to use, just like bread and cereal for humans, but might not be the best option for our fish. I mean, it's simple enough to grab a container of flakes or pellets and drop some in the tank, but are we really doing our fish a favor?

Most commercial flakes and pellets aren't exactly top-notch, and if they contain ingredients like flour or grains, I'd say they're pretty subpar. I mean, refined sugars from grain flour and sugar aren't great for us, and grains aren't exactly beneficial for fish either. Sure, they might keep the fish alive and even help them put on a bit of weight, but are they really good for them in the long run?

A good quality dry fish food, on the other hand, would ideally contain fish and shrimp, with no grains or weird plants thrown in. Insects, insect larvae, worms, and small aquatic crustaceans can also be great additions. And for some fish, fresh or frozen prawn, fish, squid, and other marine meats can be excellent options – they just require a bit more prep time.

To be honest, I think dry fish foods are more of a convenience for us humans, allowing companies to sell products that aren't necessarily the best for our fish. And let's be real, most people don't really care about the welfare of fish – they're often seen as disposable. Even some fish keepers don't prioritize their fish's well-being, as evidenced by some of the questionable practices in the fish farming industry. It all comes down to money, unfortunately.
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Re: Are commercial fish flakes convenient for fish or manufacturers?

Post by coltin »

graye wrote: Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:51 am I'm a flake fan, mainly because I've got a tank full of surface feeders. To be honest, I'm not a fan of granules and pellets - they're just not my thing. I know they're often the only option, but I've always preferred flakes.
That fish in the Putnam's natural fish food looks pretty irritated, doesn't he?
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