is a baby reef shark a good pet

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is a baby reef shark a good pet

Post by softpaw »

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Re: is a baby reef shark a good pet

Post by coltin »

I'd advise against getting a reef shark for your 7000 gallon tank, softpaw. They're open water fish and even a massive tank like yours isn't going to provide them with the space they need to thrive.

If you're set on keeping sharks, though, you might want to consider cat sharks or Port Jackson sharks. They're much more suitable for captivity, don't grow as big, and don't require as much room to swim around.

If you're open to something different, cuttlefish are pretty fascinating creatures. They've got a relatively short lifespan, but they're really interesting to watch and can add some variety to your tank.
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Re: is a baby reef shark a good pet

Post by wasteman4 »

I disagree, reef sharks can be kept in aquariums, but I think 7,000 gallons is pushing it. Large public aquariums with tanks over 100,000 gallons are better suited for these creatures. I've heard of some species like blacktips and lemon sharks being kept in 25,000 gallon tanks, that's a more manageable size for them.
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Re: is a baby reef shark a good pet

Post by Aurora9 »

I'd advise against starting a horned shark in an aquarium, not to mention a reef shark as you mentioned earlier. For instance, a horned shark can grow up to 1120 cm in length, which is quite a challenge to accommodate in a home aquarium. On the other hand, catsharks can be a more suitable option, as they can thrive in the same environment as horned sharks with proper care. A catshark can reach a length of 1100 cm, and as a bottom-dwelling, heat-loving species, they require a substantial tank size, at least 1.3 thousand liters.
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