Hey everyone, I'm super new to African lake cichlids, and I figured they'd be a good fit since I've got hard tap water (7.5-7.8). I'm working with a 10g tank, and I've heard shell dwellers can do alright in a setup like this. I've got the tank cycling with a thin layer of flourite, topped with about 2" of sand. What do you guys think would work best for this kind of setup?
I was also wondering, do they only eat whole foods or are cichlid pellets okay too? And has anyone found a good source for snail shells that won't break the bank? My LFS is charging $5 per shell, which seems crazy.
I know these guys love to dig, but I was thinking of trying to keep a few crypts in small terrac pots with flourite - do you think that's a lost cause? Any advice would be awesome, thanks.
choosing between 10g telmatochromis or neolamprologus
Re: choosing between 10g telmatochromis or neolamprologus
Starting with six multies (Lamprologus multifasciatus) or a pair of brevis would be a solid choice. For shells, I've had good luck with Escargot or turbo shells. In terms of food, I'd stick with a good quality flake and supplement with frozen foods like cyclops - they love that stuff. I wouldn't bother with pellets, to be honest, their mouths are just too small. If you do decide to go with multies, don't overdo it on the sand - they'll just end up moving it around until the shells are resting on the glass bottom. If you can get enough shells and stack them up a few layers high, the fry will appreciate the hiding spots - I've got a small tank full of these guys and it's a blast to watch.
Re: choosing between 10g telmatochromis or neolamprologus
Just wanted to follow up, I've decided to go with the multis. I'll be picking them up on Saturday, really excited. I do have one question though - does anyone know how to sex them?
Re: choosing between 10g telmatochromis or neolamprologus
So it turns out the LFS had a different plan, they got me Lamprologus ornatipinnis instead of multis, apparently their supplier didn't carry them. I'm having a bit of trouble finding info on these guys, would you happen to know anything about them?
Re: choosing between 10g telmatochromis or neolamprologus
I was thinking of adding a leleupi to my existing setup, but I'm not sure if it's a good match for my onies in a 55. What do you guys think? Any suggestions for tankmates that would work well? Would Halps be a possibility? I've got pretty hard tap water, 7.5-7.8, so I'm looking for something that can handle that.