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keeping scats with cichlids: is it possible?

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 11:35 pm
by kubson
My boyfriend and I recently set up a 55-gallon tank, but it's been a disaster - we got hit with a bad case of ick and lost most of our fish. Now we're thinking of restocking with just a few larger fish, probably cichlids. We also have a 10-gallon tank that we're planning to move the remaining survivors to, except for our Scat - he's turned super aggressive and is bullying the other fish. I've been doing some research, but I'm finding a lot of conflicting info on whether Scats and cichlids can coexist. I know about the water and salt issues with Scats being brackish fish, but my main concern is their compatibility. Some sites say it's fine, while others say it's a no-go. I've also read that having multiple Scats can help reduce aggression, but others claim the opposite. Has anyone had any experience with this? Does the type of cichlid make a difference?

Re: keeping scats with cichlids: is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 2:40 am
by floriks
Honestly, I'd advise against it due to the brackish water requirements of the Scat. There's a huge variety of cichlids out there - some are peaceful, others are aggressive, and they all have different needs. To give you a more informed answer, we'd need to know what specific type of cichlids you're considering.

Re: keeping scats with cichlids: is it possible?

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2023 4:08 am
by reefstar
In my experience, Scats do well with certain cichlids, especially those that thrive in brackish water. Green Chromides, for instance, are a great match - they're similar in size and can hold their own. Keep them in a spacious tank with plenty of greens and a specific gravity around 1.005-1.010, and you'll have no issues. However, it's essential to remember that Scats are active, social, and always hungry, so they can be quite pushy. They're not typically aggressive, but they do need to be kept with fish that can handle their energy. A school of Green Chromides and a small group of Scats can work well together, as the Chromides tend to keep to themselves.

On the other hand, combining Scats with freshwater cichlids is not recommended, as Scats require brackish or marine conditions. They do mix well with Monos and Archerfish, though - a classic community that's worth considering, but it does require a large tank.